Monday 17 February 2014

Enjoying the Sochi Olympics or the #sochifail stories? Learn Russian.

Learn Russian in Edmonton, Alberta
The infamous fifth ring...
The Internet is now full of #sochifail and #sochiproblems stories and photos, some of which are very funny and some of which are plain weird. If you have been closely following the successes and failures at the Sochi Winter Olympic Games of 2014, you have suddenly discovered that you have a lot of free time on your hands. Once the show is over, why not learn this time to learn one of the most beautiful and challenging languages out there with an experienced and fun instructor? Make the most our of the Olympics at your personal level - learn Russian!

If you are in Edmonton, Alberta, I'm happy to offer in-person classes, and if you are elsewhere, Skype and Google Drive come to the rescue. Get in touch and we'll work out the details.